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Manasquan, nj

10 simple ways you can make a difference in your own life

by adopting these proactive “habits”.


1. Do not buy plastic bottles

Did you know ALL WATER must meet FDA requirements? So that “Spring Water” is very close (maybe an extra filter or added chemicals) to the tap water you get at home. Try a Britta filter for your consumptive water.
 Water companies really produce PLASTIC BOTTLES under the guise of “Real Spring Water” - don’t be fooled !


2. Recycle: one of the best green habits

It takes some self commitment to add a routine to your lifestyle but adding a few collection bins is easy to do especially in shedding the habit of being wasteful.

DO NOT FORGET to teach it to your children. By recycling half of the garbage, we reduce the C02 and the polluted gas in the atmosphere by a quantity between the 150 and 200 kilogram per year. Composting for a garden is great way to get rid of organic food scraps.


3. Plant a tree

That was easy - trees absorb the carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, by improving the air of the cities with positive effects on the health. More trees means cleaner air.


4. Save water

WATER will be a precious commodity in the near future !! Avoid running water when doing household tasks - washing the car without a spray attachment to the hose, doing dishes, checking water hook ups for leaks, installing with a small inexpensive water flow restrictor for your faucet, reducing the flow of water and saving approximately the 50% of the all adds up.


5. Save energy

Leaving lights on, turning thermostat up instead of putting on warmer clothing, check your doors & windows for poor seals, and install LED energy saving light bulbs in your home. A small investment that is useful to safeguard the planet AND will lower your bills. In fact the energy saving lights consumes the 75% less of energy of the traditional lights. Moreover, at home or during holidays, in your eco-friendly home remember to always turn off the lights and to switch off all the devices and appliances.


6. Avoid “single use” items and plastic infused products.

Plastic straws, plastic utensils, and avoid products with micro-beads. These are cleverly marketed under the term ‘abrasives” and common in health and beauty creams, toothpaste, and shampoos. A typical exfoliating shower gel can contain roughly as much micro-plastics as is used to make its plastic packaging. Only 7 states have banned these from the market. 

Currently each and every person in the USA absorbs a credit card worth of plastic every week.


7. Choose sustainable mobility.

Our carbon footprint can be minimized by using public transport, car sharing, riding a bike, or walking and getting a little exercise in effort doesn’t hurt either.


8. Be careful of excess. (in the $ and quantity we buy)

We waste 670 million dollars of packaged food which is thrown away every year. Learn how to shop and choose the necessary food quantities, without being influenced by the offers (2 for 1) and trying to avoid the waste.
 GO TO THE FARMERS MARKET - Buy fresh and local.


9. Use second hand objects

Everything has a second life! We are in a consumerist society: we tend to throw away what is broken for buying a new one. But what if we adjust it, mend it, or fix it, instead of throw it away? Go to a thrift store.


10. Switch to washable diapers

Do you know that the disposable diapers produce the 15% of all the non recyclable waste? Besides being expensive, they also damage the environment. For this reason, if you have to take care of a baby, the solution is to use washable diapers that are ecological and reusable.


Add this to list - PICK IT UP. 

Litter doesn’t go away on it’s own and if it was on your front lawn, you’ll pick it up, right? Next time at your favorite park or beach, do the same and make an impact even if it’s a little one. 


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